Introduction to IN6XXE DK

Overview #

IN6XXE DK is a development board for IN6XXE series chips. You can download the schematics:



Hardware description #

1RF Connector
2I2C pull upR19:GPIO_0_0, R20:GPIO_0_1; R21:GPIO_0_3, R22:GPIO_0_4
3VDDQ JumperWhen programming eFuse, connect VDDQ to 3.3V
4GPIO Test PinGPIO pins
5GPIO Test HoleGPIO pins
6GND TP1,2,3,7These test points are connected to GND
7Power JumperControl power supply, see Power Supply
8Cortex_debug+ETMDebug port
91.8V Power5V to 1.8V
10ADC port
11Cortex_debugDebug port
12Power ONPower switch of the 5V supply from USB
13Jlink+UART0JLINK and UART0, UART0 Tx is GPIO_0_2, Rx is GPIO_1_0
141.2V Test point
15LEDsLEDs connected to GPIO,on when GPIO drives HIGH. LED1:GPIO_2_8, LED2:GPIO_3_2, LED3:GPIO_3_3
16GPIO Test PinGPIO pins
17GPIO Test HoleGPIO pins
18GPIO Button+ResetOne reset button, other buttons are LOW active(when pressed, GPIO input LOW)
19UART JumperControl power supply of USB to UART chip; Control which GPIOs are connected to the USB to UART chip, default is UART1: GPIO_2_1:TX GPIO_2_7:RX GPIO_1_5:RTS GPIO_1_6:CTS see UART Configuration
20UART to USBUSB to UART chip
213.3V Power5V to 3.3V
22Type-CPower supply and connect to PC for UART port
23External VBATExternal supply to VBAT
24External VDDIOExternal supply to VDDIO

These components will be refered as “Component_xx”(xx is the component number) in this page.

Power Supply #

When the board is connected with USB and the switch is turned on, 5V, 3.3V and 1.8V power source will be valid, and 3 LEDs will indication the status:

  • LED4: 5V
  • LED5: 3.3V
  • LED6: 1.8V

However, how these power sources will supply IN6XXE chip is configured with Power Jumper(Component_7):

CHIP_EN can always be connected to VBAT to reset the chip when powered on. VDDIO and VBAT are connected directly to the chip. VDDIO is power supply of IN6XXE’s IO, and the voltage level can be different with VBAT. These are confguration examples:

CHIP_EN<->VBAT,VDDIO<->3.3V,VBAT<->3.3VBoth VDDIO and VBAT are 3.3V, supplied with USB
CHIP_EN<->VBAT,VDDIO<->1.8V,VBAT<->3.3VVDDIO is 1.8V, VBAT is 3.3V, both supplied with USB
CHIP_EN<->VBAT,VDDIO<->VBATVBAT and VDDIO are powered by external power source, can be used when measuring power consumption of the chip

Debug Port #

There are three connectors(component 8, 11, 13) can be used as debug port, usually connected to J-Link.

UART configuration #

IN6XXE has two UART ports, UART0 and UART1. You can connect external USB to UART module to Component_13 if you use UART0.

You can also use the on board USB to UART chip, configured with Component_19:

If you want to use on board USB to UART chip, 1<->2 should be connected.

If you want to use UART1(GPIO_2_1 as Tx, and GPIO_2_7 as Rx):

  • 3<->4, 5<->6 should be connected for UART Rx and Tx.

  • 7<->8, 9<->10 should be connected for flow control.

You can connect 4, 6 to other GPIOs if you use other GPIOs as UART port pins.

Current measurement #

If you want to measure current of IN6XXE, all pins of Component_19 should be disconnected.

For the Power Jumper, CHIP_EN<->VBAT and VDDIO<->VBAT should be connected.

Then you can connect external power source to VBAT(Component_24) and GND(Component_6) to supply power to IN6XXE and measure the current.