GPIO Interrupt Sample #
Overview #
GPIO interrupts are signals that are sent to the processor when there is a change in the state of a GPIO pin. This allows the processor to immediately respond to the change and perform a specific task or function. These interrupts are commonly used in embedded systems and microcontrollers to efficiently manage input and output devices.
Hardware Requirements #
Hardware | Project Name | Project Path |
IN628E DK | proj_drv_gpio_interrupt | in-dev/proj/driver/proj_drv_gpio_interrupt |
Configuration #
Define the port and pin for testing GPIO interrupts.
Define the edge-trigger signal for GPIO interrupts, including RISE_EDGE and FALL_EDGE. RISE_EDGE represents an interrupt when the GPIO input has a rising edge, while FALL_EDGE represents an interrupt when the GPIO input has a falling edge.
Building #
To build the sample with keil, follow the steps listed on the quick start page in the IN6xxE of Inplay Doc. You may be able to solve questions on that webpage.
Debug #
We can get the status of gpio according to Uart Log. The following are samples,
- gpio interrupt occur
rise:... fall:... wup:...
mains the gpio interrupt source.
More information may be found in debug guide page.
Test Steps #
- Open Keil and select the GPIO interrupt pin. Download the proj_drv_gpio_interrupt project.
- Press the reset button and observe the log for the text
. - Toggle the light on and off. When the corresponding edge signal is detected on the GPIO input pin,
rise:... fall:... wup:...
will be printed.
- In this example, due to the presence of the mask function in the callback, the interrupt will only be triggered once.