Timer Sample #
Overview #
TIMER is a type of timer that allows timing operations within a microcontroller. By setting the count value and timing period of the TIMER, we can control the timing operations of the microcontroller, enabling features such as timed tasks and timestamp generation.
This routine demonstrates the functionality of configuring and handling callbacks using TIMER. It provides a brief overview of the usage of various functions, including TIMER configuration and functionality.
Hardware Requirements #
Hardware | Project Name | Project Path |
IN628E DK | proj_drv_timer | in-dev/proj/driver/proj_drv_timer |
Configuration #
After displaying “Select a number to test:” on the log, you can input a number between 0 and 2 to select a mode, including:
SIMPLE_TIMER_ONCE: Start the timer and print “tmr_cb” after a timeout.
SIMPLE_TIMER_RELOAD: Start the timer and continuously print “tmr_cb”.
TIMER_EMIT: Start the timer and continuously emit Signal 2 on GPIO_2_7, Signal 3 on GPIO_2_8, and toggle Signal 1 on GPIO_2_2.
TIMER_CAPTURE: Start the timer and continuously capture the signal on GPIO_0_3.
TIMER_MANUAL: Start the timer in manual mode, where it counts down each time the corresponding register is written.
#define TMR_ID TMR0_ID
Select the TMR ID to be used. This configuration is only effective for SIMPLE_TIMER_ONCE and SIMPLE_TIMER_RELOAD in the TEST CASE.
Building #
To build the sample with keil, follow the steps listed on the quick start page in the IN6xxE of Inplay Doc. You may be able to solve questions on that webpage.
Debug #
We can get the status of gpio to Uart Log.
SIMPLE_TIMER_ONCE: Start the timer and print “tmr_cb” after a timeout.
SIMPLE_TIMER_RELOAD: Start the timer and continuously print “tmr_cb”.
TIMER_EMIT: Start the timer and continuously emit Signal 2 on GPIO_2_7, Signal 3 on GPIO_2_8, and toggle Signal 1 on GPIO_2_2.
TIMER_CAPTURE: Start the timer and continuously capture the signal on GPIO_0_3.
TIMER_MANUAL: Start the timer in manual mode, where it counts down each time the corresponding register is written.
More information may be found in debug guide page.
Test Steps #
- Open Keil and download the project.
- Press the reset button and observe the text
test case: %d
on the log, where %d represents the selected mode.
- Simple Timer Example:
- Depending on whether it is RELOAD or not, the callback may or may not appear repeatedly. If it is ONCE, it will stop after
tmr cb
- Depending on whether it is RELOAD or not, the callback may or may not appear repeatedly. If it is ONCE, it will stop after
- Emit & Capture:
- Two IN628E boards are required for testing. Download the emit program to Board 1 and the capture program to Board 2.
- After downloading, connect the signal pins (GPIO_2_7, GPIO_2_8, or GPIO_2_2) of Board 1 to the receiving signal pin (GPIO_0_3) of Board 2.
- Reset both boards simultaneously to receive signals on Board 2.