Inplay BLE 5.0 AT Command Set #
Inplay IN6xx BLE module is a standard Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0 certified RF module. It introduces a private service as interface of data streaming between two BLE devices transparently.
IN6xx BLE module provides the control interface based on ASCII commands, say AT commands. They are used to configure parameters, retrieve module state, control actions of module, etc. All configuration changes can be optionally remained in Non-Volatile Memory (Flash) and survive the following power cycle.
The AT commands are transmitted over standard UART interface. A terminal emulator, such as TeraTerm (Windows) or CoolTerm (Mac OS-X®), can be used to control the module from a computer, with the following default port settings:
- 115,200 bps
- 8 bits
- No Parity
- 1 Stop bit
- Hardware flow control disabled
The serial port parameter configure command can modify the UART settings permanently.
The AT commands can be divided into 3 main categories: Command, Response and Event. The module receives Command and, after execution, sends back Response to the command initiator. When something happens in the module, such as an unexpected disconnection, receiving data from a remote device, etc., a corresponding Event is sent.
An AT command is composed of the Prefix, CommandID, CommandBody and Terminator as shown below.
The Prefix of each command is fixed ASCII string “AT” or “at”.
CommandID is an ASCII string representing different command. It’s case sensitive.
CommandBody can be either ASCII ‘?’ if the command gets a parameter or parameters set if the command sets parameter. A parameter set is a collection of parameters surrounded by ‘[]’, each separated by ‘,’.
Terminator of each command is carriage return (CR, ‘\r’, \x0d) and line feed (LF, ‘\n’, \x0a). Command is accepted and executed only when the Terminator is received.
After an AT command is executed, a response will be sent back. Response consists of corresponding CommandID, ResponseBody and Terminator as shown below.
If command is to set parameter, the ResponseBody is either parameter set read or just a numerical error result code. The format of the read parameter set is same as the format of the set parameters of the corresponding command. Only result code is returned for set parameter commands.
An event is a message reported by the module initiatively, rather than a response obtained through the AT command. An event consists of EventID, EventBody and Terminator as shown in below.
EventID is an ASCII string representing different event. It’s case sensitive. EventBody is a parameter set and its format is same as CommandBody in AT command. Terminator is same as that in AT command response.
Parameter in parameter set supports numeric values, strings. There are three format of string: ASCII format string, Byte Array format string and Base64 encoding format string.
The below table lists some examples of AT commands and their responses and events.
Command/Event | Function | Response |
AT+DEVCFG=[10,"112222222211",0,"Slave",1] | Set device general configuration | +DEVCFG=0000H |
AT+DEVCFG=? | Get device general configuration | +DEVCFG=[10,"112222222211",0,"Slave",1] |
AT+CFGADVACTV=[1,0,1,500,0,"BwlJbnBsYXk="] | Create legacy connectable advertising in 500ms interval. The payload is local name "Inplay" | +CFGADVACTV=0000H: successful +CFGADVACTV=0043H: error advertising can't be create |
-EVTCONN=[1,"EFBBCCCCDDEF",1,1] | Connected with device "EF:DD:CC:CC:BB:EF" on 1M PHY |
This section describes AT commands in detail and provides examples. Those parameter surrounded by ‘<>’ brackets are optional in some cases. If an optional parameter needs to be set, all optional parameters prior to that optional parameter must also be provided.
Since the responseBody of the response returned by the get command is the same as the CommandBody of the corresponding set command, for simplicity, only the format of the get command is listed.
Get Module State #
This command gets the current status of the module.
Command: AT+STATE=?
Response: +STATE=[sys_state,pair_state,conn_state,scan_state,adv_state]
Parameter | Type | Value |
sys_state | Number | 0: Not ready; 1: Ready |
pair_state | Number | 0: Not paired; 1: Paired |
conn_state | Number | 0: Unconnected 1: Connecting 2: Connected |
scan_state | Number | 0: Scanning Stopped; 1: Scanning Started |
adv_state | Number | 0: Advertising Stopped; 1: Advertising Started |
Get Version #
This command gets the version of the module including chip version, sdk version and firmware version
Command: AT+VER=?
Response: +VER=[chip_ver,sdk_ver,fw_ver]
Parameter | Type | Value |
chip_ver | String | Chip version |
sdk_ver | String | SDK version |
fw_ver | String | Firmware version |
UART Configuration #
This command sets UART parameters. Once UART parameter is changed, module will automatically reset and all parameters configured before will be lost.
Command: AT+CFGUART=[baud_rate,<data_bit>,
Response: +CFGUART=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
baud_rate | Number | Standard UART baud rate value |
data_bit | Number | 5 - 8 bits |
polarity | Number | 0:No polarity 1:Odd polarity 2:Even polarity Other: invalid value |
stop_bit | Number | 0: 1 stop bits 1: 2 stop bits |
Device General Configuration #
This command gets or sets the general parameters of the module.
Command: AT+CFGDEV=[role,dev_addr,addr_type,dev_name,phy]
Response: +CFGDEV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value | ||||||||||
role | Number |
| ||||||||||
dev_addr | String | Byte Array format string representing MAC address of device in little-endian mode | ||||||||||
addr_type | Number | 0: Public address; 1: Static random address | ||||||||||
dev_name | String | ASCII | ||||||||||
phy | Number |
//Set device as BLE Peripheral, device public MAC address is 11-22-22-22-22-11, device name is “Slave” and prefered PHY is 1M PHY
//Set device as All role and prefered PHY is Coded Phy
Data Transparent Transmission Service Configuration #
This command gets or sets parameters of Inplay private data transparent tranmission service as GATT server, including service UUID, maximum data transmission size etc. After the execution of the command, the service with specified parameters will be created. It MUST be sent after +CFGDEV
It is only allowed by device with ‘Peripheral role’ or ‘All role’, otherwise 1001H error code is returned.
Command: AT+CFGTRXSVC=[start_hdl,svc_uuid,max_data_sz]
Response: +CFGTRXSVC=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
start_hdl | Number | The start GATT handle of service 0: automatically created other: user specific handle number |
svc_uuid | String | Byte Array format string representing 16-byte service UUID in little-endian mode. If it is empty, default "ccddb4f8-cdf3-11e9-a32f-2a2ae2dbcce4" is applied |
max_data_sz | Number | Maximum data transmission size 0: Default 20 bytes 1 - 1024: Maximum data size |
//Set service UUID as 1122b4f8-cdf3-11e9-a32f-2a2ae2dbcce4 and the maximum transmission data as 512 bytes.
//Set service UUID by default. Fixed service start handle to 20
Data Transparent Transmission Client Configuration #
This command gets or sets parameter of Inplay private data transparent tranmission service as GATT client. If parameters are not set or parameter ‘start_hdl’ is set to 0, device will initiate a Service Discovery Process (SDP) to find remote service after connection.
It is only allowed by device with ‘Central role’ or ‘All role’, otherwise 1001H error code is returned.
Command: AT+CFGTRXCLT=[start_hdl,svc_uuid]
Response: +CFGTRXCLT=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
start_hdl | Number | The start GATT handle of service 0: automatically get by SDP other: user specific handle number |
svc_uuid | String | Byte Array format string representing 16-byte service UUID in little-endian mode. If it is empty, default "ccddb4f8-cdf3-11e9-a32f-2a2ae2dbcce4" is applied |
//Set to discover service by SDP.
//Set specific start handle and leave other in default, so that SDP is not necessary.
RF Configuration #
This command gets or sets RF related parameter.
Command: AT+CFGRF=[tx_power]
Response: +CFGRF=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value | ||||||
tx_power | Number | TX power:
//Set TX power +3dBm
SMP Configuration #
This command gets or sets security parameters of the module.
Command: AT+CFGSMP=[smp,dev_io_cap,pairing_code]
Response: +CFGSMP=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value | ||||||||||||||||
smp | Number (1 byte) |
| ||||||||||||||||
dev_io_cap | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||
pairing_code | String | ASCII Paring code |
//Set SMP to MITM security and encryption, with ability of keyboard input. The corresponding MITM pairing code is 012345
Target Device Configuration #
This command gets or sets the target devices that are allowed to connect or scan. If initiating activity is configured as direct connection type, only first device in the device list is the target. Maximum 25 target devices can be set.
It is only allowed by device with ‘Central role’ or ‘All role’, otherwise 1001H error code is returned.
Command: AT+CFGTARGET=[dev1_addr,dev1_addr_type,<dev2_addr>,<dev2_addr_type>,…]
Response: +CFGTARGET=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
dev_addr | String | Byte Array format string representing MAC address of target device in little-endian mode |
dev_addr_type | Number | 0: Public address; 1: Static random address |
Advertising Activity Configuration #
This command sets parameter to create BLE advertising activity. Maximum 2 advertising activities can be created.
It is only allowed for device which role is configured as ‘Peripheral’ or ‘All role’, otherwise 1001H error code is returned.
Command: AT+CFGADVACTV=[actv_id,adv_type,connectable,intv,chn,payload]
Response: +CFGADVACTV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for advertising activity |
adv_type | Number | 0: Legacy Advertise 1: Extended Advertise |
connectable | Number | 0: Unconnectable 1: Connectable |
intv | Number | 20-10240ms |
chn | Number | 0: all BLE advertising channel 37-39: Fixed channel |
payload | String | BLE standard advertising data format in base64 encoding Length (1 byte) + Type (1 byte) + Content (length -1 byte) |
//Set legacy connectable advertising in 500ms interval. The payload is local name “Inplay”
//Successfully set
Scan Activity Configuration #
This command sets parameter to create BLE scan activity. Only one scan activity can be created.
It is only allowed by device with ‘Central role’ or ‘All role’, otherwise 1001H error code is returned.
Command: AT+CFGSCANACTV=[actv_id,type]
Response: +CFGSCANACTV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for scan activity |
type | Number | 2: Observer 3: Selective observer. Only devices configured by +CFGTARGET will be reported |
//Set scan activity
//Successfully set
Initiating Activity Configuration #
This command sets parameter to create BLE initiating activity to establish connections with the target device. Only one initiating activity can be created.
It is only allowed for device which role is configured as ‘Central’ or ‘All role’, otherwise 1001H error code is returned.
Command: AT+CFGINITACTV=[actv_id,type]
Response: +CFGINITACTV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for advertising activity |
type | Number | 0: Direct connect 1: Auto connect. Only devices configured by +CFGTARGET can be connected |
//Create initiating activity to auto connect with target devices.
//Successfully set
//Create initiating activity to direct connect with remote device.
//Successfully set
Start Advertising Activity #
This command start advertising activity that is created by previous +CFGADVACTV command.
Command: AT+ADVACTV=[actv_id,op,<duration>]
Response: +ADVACTV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for advertising activities |
op | Number | 0: Stop Activity 1: Start Activity |
duration | Number | 0: Forever 10-65535: Actual duration (in unit of 10ms) Default 0 |
//Start advertising activty permanently
//Successfully set
//Stop advertising activity
Start Scan Activity #
This command start scan activity that is created by previous +CFGSCANACTV command. If target devices are not configured by +CFGTARGET command, advertisement from any devices scaned will be reported.
Command: AT+SCANACTV=[actv_id,op,<intv>,<wnd>,<chn>,<duration>,<dup_filter>]
Response: +SCANACTV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for scan activity |
op | Number | 0: Stop Activity 1: Start Activity |
intv | Number | Scan activity interval 3-40959 ms Default 200ms |
wnd | Number | Scan running time, must be less than intv Default 100ms |
chn | Number | 0: Scan on three channel alternately 37-39: Scan on fixed channel Default 0 |
duration | Number | 0: Forever 10-655350: Actual duration in ms Default 0 |
dup_filter | Number | 0: No filtering 1: Filter duplicates within the duration Default 0 |
//Start scan activty permanently
//Successfully set
//Stop scan activity
Start Initiating Activity #
This command start initiating activity that is created by previous +CFGINITACTV command. If target devices are not configured by +CFGTARGET command, activity cann’t be started and retures error response. When it is started permanently, it will end until all target devices configured are connected.
Command: AT+INITACTV=[actv_id,op,<conn_intv>,<latency>,<sup_tmo>,<duration>]
Response: +INITACTV=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for initiating activity |
op | Number | 0: Stop Activity 1: Start Activity |
conn_intv | Number | Connection interval: 8 - 4800 ms Default 100 ms |
latency | Number | 0 - 499 Default 0 |
sup_tmo | Number | 100 - 32000 ms Default 20000 ms |
duration | Number | 0: Forever 10-655350: Actual duration in ms Default 0 |
//Start initiating activty
//Successfully set
//Stop initiating activity
Get current connection list #
This command gets a list of currently connected devices.
Command: AT+CONNLST=?
Response: +CONNLST=[<dev1_addr>,<dev1_role>,<dev2_addr>,<dev2_role>,…]
Parameter | Type | Value |
dev_addr | String | The Byte Array format string representing MAC address of peer device in little-endian mode |
dev_role | Number | 0: Peer device as Master role; 1: Peer device as Slave role |
//Connect to master device “66-55-44-33-22-11” and a peripheral device “FF-EE-DD-CC-BB-AA”
Start Pairing #
This command start operation of BLE pairing with connected device.
Command: AT+BOND=[op,dest_addr,<pairing_code>]
Response: +BOND=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
op | Number | 0: Cancel pairing 1: Start pairing |
dest_addr | String | The Byte Array format string representing MAC address of connected device in little-endian mode |
pairing_code | String | 6 bytes ASCII pairing code |
//Stop pairing
Data Transmit #
This command transmit data via Inplay private transparent transmission service.
Command: AT+DATATX=[dest_addr,data]
Response: +DATATX=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
dest_addr | String | The Byte Array format string representing MAC address of destination connected device in little-endian mode |
data | String | Base64 encoding string representing binary data to transmit |
//Send data “0x0001020304050607080910” to remove device “66-55-44-33-22-11”
Reset #
This command causes the system to reset. While execution, application can choose whether to save or clear current configured parameters permanently. This command don’t have any response. The application determines whether reset is complete or not by receiving the +EVTREADY event.
Command: AT+SYSRST=[op]
Response: N/A
Parameter | Type | Value |
op | Number | 0: Reset module 1: Reset after saving current parameters to Flash 2: Reset after clearing current parameter from Flash |
Watchdog #
This command set up watch dog.
Command: AT+SYSWDT=[wdt_enable,wdt_int_pol,wdt_tmo]
Response: +SYSWDT=err_code
Parameter | Type | Value |
wdt_enable | Number | 0: Disable 1: Enable |
wdt_int_pol | Number | 0: Low level trigger interrupt 1: High level trigger interrupt |
wdt_tmo | Number | 1 - 65536 seconds |
This event indicates module is ready to accept AT commands. It is usually received after power on reset or +SYSRST command is executed.
Event: -EVTREADY=[prev_state]
Parameter | Type | Value | ||||||||
prev_state | Number |
This event indicates device has been connected or disconnected.
Event: -EVTCONN=[state,peer_addr,role,phy]
Parameter | Type | Value |
state | Number | 0: Disconnect 1: Connect |
peer_addr | String | Byte Array format string representing MAC address of peer device in little |
role | Number | 5: Device is connected as Master role; 10: Device is connected as Slave role |
phy | Number | Phy that connection on. Please refer to PHY parameter in command +DEVCFG |
//Successfully connected with remote Master device “EF:DD:CC:CC:BB:EF” on 1M PHY.
This event indicates the data reception from peer device.
Event: -EVTDATA=[peer_addr,data]
Parameter | Type | Value |
peer_addr | String | Byte Array format string representing MAC address of peer device in little-endian mode |
data | String | Base64 encoding format string representing binary data received |
//Data “0x0001020304050607080910” received from remove device “66-55-44-33-22-11”
This event indicates that an advertising signal has been scanned.
Event: -EVTADV=[dev_addr,addr_type,connectable,rssi,payload]
Parameter | Type | Value |
dev_addr | String | Byte Array format string representing MAC address of advertising device in little-endian mode |
addr_type | Number | 0: Public 1: Static random |
connectable | Number | 0: Unconnectable 1: Connectable |
rssi | Number | Signed integer in dBm |
payload | String | Base64 encoding format string representing advertising payload binary data |
//A connectable ad with local name ‘Inplay’ as payload from device ‘66-55-44-33-22-11’ is scanned. RSSI is -80dBm.
This event indicates the termination of the command +SCANACTV, +ADVACTV, +INITACTV and +BOND, whether the commands are terminated automatically or manually.
Event: -EVTACTVEND=[actv_type,actv_id]
Parameter | Type | Value | ||||||||
actv_type | Number |
| ||||||||
actv_id | Number | Unique ID for activity |
//Advertising activity 1 has ended
//Scan activity has ended
The ERROR CODE is returned as a hexadecimal value. Please refer to following table for details.
0000H | Command executed successfully |
1001H | Wrong command execution |
100AH | Wrong CommandID |
100BH | Wrong format |
100DH | Wrong parameter |
100EH | Execution overtime |
Others | BLE error. Refer to in_ble_error.h in SDK |