SPI Guide #
Overview #
SPI, which stands for Serial Peripheral Interface, is a high-speed, full-duplex, synchronous communication bus that allows data transmission between a microcontroller and peripheral devices. It utilizes a master-slave model, with the master device controlling a set of slave devices. SPI requires four signal lines:
SCLK for synchronization
MOSI for data transmission from master to slave
MISO for data transmission from slave to master
SSN for selecting the slave device to communicate with.
Init #
Master #
Refer to “proj_drv_spi_master”.
Configure spi master:
spi_config_t config = {0};
config.dfs = SPI_DFS_8_BITS; //data frame size
config.cs = 0; //slave select, only available for master SPI
config.phase = 1; //phase
config.polarity = 1; //polarity
config.speed = 100000; //speed in Hz, only available for master SPI
config.intr_prio = IRQ_PRI_Normal; //interrupt priority
config.arg = NULL; //The variables needed in callback
config.callback = spi_callback; //when spi process finished, callback set here will be invoked
void *hdl = hal_spi_open(MSPI_ID, &config); //use MSPI_ID when it play the role as spi master
Slave #
Refer to “proj_drv_spi_slave”.
Configure spi slave:
spi_config_t config = {0};
config.dfs = SPI_DFS_8_BITS; //data frame size
config.phase = 1; //phase
config.polarity = 1; //polarity
config.intr_prio = IRQ_PRI_Normal; //interrupt priority
config.arg = NULL; //The variables needed in callback
config.callback = spi_callback; //when spi process finished, callback set here will be invoked
config.trig_queue = TRIG_HP_QUEUE; //trigger queue
void *hdl = hal_spi_open(SSPI1_ID, &config);
Output(TX) #
If data needs to be transferred from MOSI(when using master tx) or MISO(when using slave tx), we can use hal_spi_tx
. We can set a timeout when we require a timeout to interrupt the SPI process in case of a delay, or we can simply set a callback during SPI initialization when there is no need for interruption.
If we want a faster speed, we can use the DMA mode, that is, replacing hal_spi_tx
with hal_spi_tx_dma
static uint8_t tx_buf[256];
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(tx_buf); i++) {
tx_buf[i] = i;
memset(rx_buf, 0, sizeof(rx_buf));
ret = hal_spi_tx(hdl, tx_buf, sizeof(tx_buf), 0, APP_SPI_TIMEOUT, &trx_len);
int hal_spi_tx(void *hdl, void *buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, int poll, uint32_t tmo, uint16_t *actual_size);
*hdl: handle return when we use hal_spi_open
*buffer: buffer need to tx
buffer_len: tx buffer length
poll: if need to use poll.when use poll mode, timeout should not be set to 0.
tmo: timeout for spi process.
*actual_size: actual tx size.
Input(RX) #
If data needs to be received from MOSI(when using master tx) or MISO(when using slave tx), we can use hal_spi_rx
. We can set a timeout when we require a timeout to interrupt the SPI process in case of a delay, or we can simply set a callback during SPI initialization when there is no need for interruption.
If we want a faster speed, we can use the DMA mode, that is, replacing hal_spi_rx
with hal_spi_rx_dma
static uint8_t rx_buf[256];
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(tx_buf); i++) {
tx_buf[i] = i;
memset(rx_buf, 0, sizeof(rx_buf));
ret = hal_spi_rx(hdl, rx_buf, sizeof(tx_buf), 0, APP_SPI_TIMEOUT, &trx_len);
int hal_spi_Rx(void *hdl, void *buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, int poll, uint32_t tmo, uint16_t *actual_size);
*hdl: handle return when we use hal_spi_open
*buffer: buffer recived
buffer_len: rx buffer length
poll: if need to use poll.when use poll mode, timeout should not be set to 0.
tmo: timeout for spi process
*actual_size: actual rx size
If bidirectional data transmission is required, we can use hal_spi_trx
. We can set a timeout when we require a timeout to interrupt the SPI process in case of a delay, or we can simply set a callback during SPI initialization when there is no need for interruption.
static uint8_t tx_buf[256];
static uint8_t rx_buf[256];
uint16_t trx_len = 0;
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(tx_buf); i++) {
tx_buf[i] = i;
memset(rx_buf, 0, sizeof(rx_buf));
ret = hal_spi_trx(hdl, tx_buf, rx_buf, sizeof(tx_buf), 0, APP_SPI_TIMEOUT, &trx_len);
int hal_spi_trx(void *hdl, void *wbuf, void *rbuf, uint16_t buffer_len, int poll, uint32_t tmo, uint16_t *actual_size);
*hdl: handle return when we use hal_spi_open
*wbuf: buffer need to transfer
*rbuf: buffer received
buffer_len: rx buffer length
poll: if need to use poll.when use poll mode, timeout should not be set to 0.
tmo: timeout for spi process
*actual_size: actual rx size
Cancel SPI process #
when we want to stop and cancel spi process, we can use hal_spi_cancel
int ret = hal_spi_cancel(hdl); //hdl: handle return when we use hal_spi_open
Close SPI #
when SPI case finished, we can close SPI device with hal_spi_close
int ret = hal_spi_close(hdl); //hdl: handle return when we use hal_spi_open