SDR Broadcast Sample #
Overview #
SDR (Software Defined Radio) exhibits significant advantages in communication systems, especially in building flexible and multifunctional wireless communication networks. The Master device typically plays a central role in control and management, while multiple Slave devices serve as nodes performing specific communication tasks.
Hardware Requirements #
Hardware | Project Name | Project Path |
IN628E DK | proj_SDR_Broadcast_Mode_Master proj_SDR_Broadcast_Mode_Slave | in-dev/proj/SDR/proj_SDR_Broadcast_Mode_Master in-dev/proj/SDR/proj_SDR_Broadcast_Mode_Slave |
Building #
To build the sample with keil, follow the steps listed on the quick start page in the IN6xxE of Inplay Doc. You may be able to solve questions on that webpage.
Debug #
We can get the status of development board according to Uart Log. The following are samples,
SDR TX success
[TX]actual tx bytes=%d
SDR RX success
"[RX]sa:0x%04x, da:0x%04x, status:%02x, ch=%d, rssi=%d, rxlen=%d,"
More information may be found in debug guide page.
Test Steps #
- Open Keil and download proj_SDR_Broadcast_Mode_Master.
- Press the reset button and observe the text
on the log while the device starts sdr broadcast process according to the settings insdr_mstr_trx_t
- In broadcast mode, master don’t receive.
- Open Keil and download proj_SDR_Broadcast_Mode_Slave.
- Press the reset button and observe the text
on the log while the device starts sdr addressless process according to the settings insdr_slv_trx_t
. - When sdr communication astablished, we will receive log like
[TX]actual tx bytes=%d
and[RX]sa:0x%04x, da:0x%04x, status:%02x, ch=%d, rssi=%d, rxlen=%d,