Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- l -
- label_uuid
: mesh_dbg_mio_add_addr_subs_cmd
, mesh_dbg_mio_del_addr_subs_cmd
, mesh_dbg_mio_set_publi_param_cmd
- latency
: ble_conn_param_update_t
, ble_evt_conn_param_upd_req_t
- layer
: mesh_dbg_data_send
- lcsrk
: ble_conn_cfm_t
- le_psm
: ble_evt_lecb_connect_req_t
, ble_lecb_connect_ind_t
, ble_lecb_connect_t
- lecb_conn_ind
: ble_evt_lecb_connect_ind_t
- len
: ble_gatt_read_multiple_t
, mesh_model_publish_t
- length
: ble_att_info_t
, ble_att_val_t
, ble_dev_name_t
, ble_diss_value_cfm_t
, ble_evt_adv_rpt_ind_t
, ble_evt_ind_ind_t
, ble_evt_ntf_ind_t
, ble_evt_read_rsp_ind_t
, ble_evt_write_req_ind_t
, ble_gatt_read_simple_t
, ble_gatt_write_t
, ble_hogpbh_boot_report_t
, ble_hogpd_report_info_t
, ble_hogprh_report_map_t
, ble_hogprh_report_t
, sdu_t
- lepsm
: ble_lepsm_param_t
- list_size
: ble_local_dev_info_t
- lmp_subver
: ble_dev_verison_t
- lmp_subvers
: ble_peer_version_ind_t
- lmp_ver
: ble_dev_verison_t
- lmp_vers
: ble_peer_version_ind_t
- loc
: mesh_cfg_t
- local_cid
: ble_evt_lecb_disconnect_ind_t
, ble_lecb_connect_cfm_t
, ble_lecb_connect_ind_t
, ble_lecb_connect_t
- local_credit
: ble_lecb_connect_cfm_t
, ble_lecb_connect_t
- local_irk
: ble_ral_dev_info_t
- local_mps
: ble_lecb_connect_cfm_t
, ble_lecb_connect_t
- local_mtu
: ble_lecb_connect_cfm_t
, ble_lecb_connect_t
- local_sign_counter
: ble_evt_sign_counter_ind_t
- lp_mem_addr
: trig_init_t
- lpn_addr
: mesh_dbg_friend_lpn_ind
- lpn_lid
: mesh_dbg_friend_lpn_ind
- lsign_counter
: ble_conn_cfm_t
- ltk
: ble_bond_cfm_t
, ble_bond_data
, ble_conn_encrypt_cfm_t
, ble_ltk_t
- ltk_present
: ble_bond_auth_t
, ble_conn_cfm_t